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 The 61th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Respiratory Society (2021)

Mary Nishikawa presented her talk "Questions to ask before submitting your paper to an English journal," during the special program on Sunday, April 24, 2021.

Questions to ask:

  1. Is my journal selection on target?

  2. Is my title informative? 

  3. Are my figures and tables complete or unnecessary?

  4. Did I clearly describe the problem and how to solve it?

  5. Did I say why my research matters?

2021 JRS Title Slide.jpg

 The 59th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Respiratory Society (2019)

Mary Nishikawa presented her talk during the special program on "How to write a science paper in English,"  Sunday, April 14, 2019.

Topics included

  1.  Paraphrasing sentences in the literature and citing correctly

  2. Creating tables and figures that capture the essence of research 

  3. Writing an abstract that attracts the attention of readers

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